(770) 691-9000 info@doctorwhitley.com

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The More You Know…

Dr. Whitley wants to use this space to help educate his patients and their families about their medical conditions and about the care that they receive.  We hope that this information complements our in-office / surgical discussions and makes the complexity of modern medicine just a little easier to understand. These are for Dr. Whitley’s patients and should not be taken as medical advice on their own without the care of your physician.


Ear Tube Owner's Manual

Can you swim when you have ear tubes? Can you use swimmer’s ear drops when you have ear tubes? How do you maintain them.  New research has changed these practices. 

Nasal Steroid info

Nasal steroids such as Nasocort, Flonase, and Xyzol are some of the most common medications used for children.  This is information for parents on these medications. 

Nosebleeds (Epistaxis) Info

Nosebleeds (epistaxis) are one of the most common childhood ailments.  We have some conservative measures to help with this problem. 

Frenulectomy Info

Tongue and lip tie release (frenulectomy or lip release) is one of the most common procedures we perform.  Our understanding of this problem and the associated treatments continues to evolve. 

Laryngomalacia Info

This is the most common reason that some young babies make a high-pitched squeaky or “stridor” noise.  Babys’ throats are different and require specialized care. 

Ear Tube Unclogging

Sometimes ear tubes get clogged and need to be unplugged. Here is the regimen we typically use. 


Ear Tube (BMT) Postop

Bilateral myringotomy and tube placement (“ear tubes”) is a simple outpatient procedure with a typically short recovery.

typanoplasty postop

The procedure to repair a hole in your eardrum is called a tympanoplasty.  This document discussed recovery from this procedure.

Tonsillectomy / Adenoidectomy Postop

Pain control and good hydration are the keys to success after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.  Here is our guide for Dr. Whitley’s patients. 

Sinus Surgery Postop

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is less common but safe and effective in children. Here we go over recovery.